Saturday, December 28, 2019

Sample APA Article Review

The purpose of the conventional sample APA article review is to summarize as well as evaluate the ideas and core principles highlighted by the author. It examines the main points and important claims of the presented information. An article review is focused on discussing the positive aspects of the article along with finding negative contradictions or inconsistencies within the selected text. It is necessary to remain impersonal when writing an article review in the APA formatting and be critical regarding the key concepts of the text. The professors L. Johnson and K. Caruson in their article â€Å"The Seven Sins of the American Foreign Policy† examine the basis of the United States international affairs with the other countries worldwide. The authors investigate a historical sequence of the events that the American foreign policy went through, in order to identify the core principles on which the international affairs of the country are shaken. To avoid the harmful effects of the identified system-related issues, they suggest to intervene through the educational force that would guarantee a bottom-up approach towards the process of solving major complications of the American foreign policy. The authors provide readers with seven fundamental defects that should be emphasized in order to perfect the international image of the country. The greatest concern to long-term U.S. foreign policy interests constitutes ignorance. In other words, common Americans are not competent in international matters because historically the society has evolved mass closeness towards the surrounding world. As a result, the authors sustain their credibility by presenting statistics, where local students were not able to locate countries on the map or even name some of the African countries. Lack of interest is the greatest issue for the future of the foreign policy as the country is currently dependent on the international community while serving a basis for safety and stability in the world. Moreover, L. Johnson and K. Caruson emphasize that precipitation of military activity can lead to harmful consequences on the national safety. The main strength of the article concerns the unbiased perspective on the current state of the events. The authors do not take a single Republican or Democratic approach towards the leading of a foreign policy. Instead, they provide reasonable arguments in order to present the question at the full scale. With the continual elections in the United States, this article is of immense value, as the country can transform its attitude to the international community based on the next ruling party on the political arena. The authors apply the logical sequence of the identified problems and sustain each notion with the historical evidence in relation to the research conducted by political scientists on the complicated area. An abundance of relative information creates an impression of the article being reliable and valid. Nevertheless, there is a controversy that the authors unintentionally hold in the content related to the possibility of solving the international issues within the country. This article has been written a decade ago, yet till now according to the researches, the situation did not evolve. The identified sins of the foreign policy have not altered, what creates a huge gap of misunderstanding within the international community. Furthermore, the authors did not regard an external side of the argument, identifying the attitude of other countries based on the extensive propaganda of the United States. To sum everything up, this article is an informative and strong research on the existing issues challenges of the foreign policy of the United States. Reference Anderson, P. (2015). American foreign policy and its thinkers. Brooklyn, NY, USA: Verso Books. Johnson, L., Caruson, K. (2003). The Seven Sins of American Foreign Policy.American Political Science Association, 36(1), 5-10. Johnson, L. K. (2012). National security intelligence: Secret operations in defense of the democracies. Cambridge: Polity. Pauly, R. J. (2010). The Ashgate research companion to US foreign policy. Farnham, England: Ashgate. Roberts, P. S. (2013). Disasters and the American state: How politicians, bureaucrats, and the public prepare for the unexpected New York: Cambridge University Press.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Political Communication Concepts Hillary Clinton s...

Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Political Communication Concepts LaQuana Douglas October 12,2016 Hillary Clinton’s Campaign: Political Communication Concepts Political communication (also known as psychological operations or information operations), envelops an extensive variety of open practices that have political closures. One component incorporates the direct of a powerful election campaign, to scatter the applicant s message and to counter the message of one s rivals. Governments likewise utilize promulgation systems to fabricate bolster for strategies and smother disagree. Chomsky and Herman s (2002) purposeful publicity model of the media portrays the media framework as having a progression of five progressive channels through which the crude material of news must pass, leaving a scrubbed deposit of what news is fit to print, marginalize[ing] contrary opinion (Brahm, 2008). Exemplary meaning of political communication concentrate on the source and inspiration, political communication streams out from the political circle and should have political points. In spite of this, such definition would not be totally appropriate for a large portion of present day satisfy, especially given the part of media. Along these lines advanced writings concentrate on three on three performing artists, some of whom work past the limits of any sear express, each of whom create political communication. These are: the political circle itself (they convey their activitiesShow MoreRelatedPolitical Framing As Used By Presidential Candidates1442 Words   |  6 PagesTHESIS: Political framing, as used by presidential candidates in the 2016 election, may determine the outcome of an election rather than the actual qualifications or stance on issues of the candidates themselves. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Bachelor of Accounting Portfolio

Question: Discuss about the Bachelor of Accounting Portfolio. Answer: Introduction: The overall assignment is mainly conducted to understand overall risk associated with a developed portfolio. In addition, evaluation of the portfolio could be understood, which might help in depicting the overall return generated from investment. Furthermore, determination of the risk is conducted to understand the financial performance of the portfolio. Moreover, the overall risk, return, and historical performance are mainly conducted to understand the return, which might be generated from investment. Analysing the variables suitable asset classes: Portfolio % Return Amount Cash 10% 0.10% 100,000,000 Australian fixed interest 15% 0.32% 150,000,000 Australian equities 40% 0.18% 400,000,000 Australian properties 20% 0.09% 200,000,000 Overseas fixed interest 15% 0.21% 150,000,000 Portfolio value 100% 1,000,000,000 Table 1: Depicting the portfolio diversification (Source: As created by the author) Table 1 mainly states the overall portfolio diversification, which could be used in reducing the overall risk and improving return from investment. Rutkauskas, Stasytyte, and Borisova (2015) mentioned that diversification adequate steps, which is mainly taken by investor to reduce the overall return from investment. Cash: Interest rate Amount Interest paid Cash 0.10% 100,000,000 100,000 Table 2: Depicting the cash returns (Source: As created by the author) Table 1 mainly depicts the cash that is been maintained by the portfolio for generating low interest return from savings account. This liquidity is mainly needed to hedge the overall portfolio if things turn ugly. There is relatively no risk in keeping cash in the bank, while it provides a small interest. Mehta (2015) mentioned that keeping cash ideal is not adequate, as it might not help investors gain the required return from investment. The nature of investment is conducted to maintain level of liquidity, which might support investors. Australian fixed interest: Australian fixed interest Interest rate Amount Interest paid Interest paid yearly Australian bond 10 Year 2.76% 112,500,000 3,105,000 310,500 Australian bond 5 Year 2.30% 37,500,000 862,500 172,500 Table 3: Depicting the historical fixed interest rate (Source: As created by the author) Table 2 mainly states the fixed interest income, which is depicted from the fixed Australian interest bonds. In addition, there is relatively no risk as from the fixed interest scheme the return is freezed and will be enjoyed by the investor. Bodie, Kane and Marcus (2014) mentioned that bonds is risk free investment, which allows investor to gain the required rate of return by nullifying the risk from volatile capital market. This nature of investment will mainly ensure that the portfolio gets a constant income even if capital market is volatile and is providing lower returns. On the contrary, Ledenyov and Ledenyov (2015) argued that fixed interest rate mainly loses its friction and value if overall inflation rate in higher than the yield. Australian equities: Australian equities Share price No of shares Amount Portfolio diversification return % Beta BHP 26.35 4,554,080 120,000,000 20% 0.18% 1.62 CIM 34.37 3,491,417 120,000,000 30% 0.17% 0.55 JB Hi-fi Limited 28.81 4,165,220 120,000,000 50% 0.18% 0.62 Total 100% 0.18% 0.80 Table 4: Depicting the historical year return of shares (Source: As created by the author) From the overall table 4, 50% of the shares are mainly bought from JB Hi-fi Limited, as it contributes higher return with low risk. CIM also provides higher return, while contributing low risk to the portfolio. However, BHP provides higher risk, while providing higher return, which could increase the overall risk from the portfolio. The overall portfolio risk is mainly at 0.80, while return is at 0.18%, which could effectively help in improving return from investment. Vecco, Chang and Di (2015) mentioned that investors mainly use overall return and beta calculation for detecting the investment opprobrium, which might contribute low risk to the portfolio. In addition, 40% from the total portfolio value is mainly invested in Australian equities, as it could provide higher return from investment. There is relatively high risk of investment in Australian equities, as it might hamper the overall investment capital. Historical performance of BHP Billiton Limited: Figure 1: Depicting the historical performance of BHP Billiton Limited (Source: 2017) Figure 1 mainly depicts the overall historical performance of BHP Billiton over the period of one year. The overall uptrend of the company has mainly depicted the viability, which might be helpful for investors to increase the overall return from investment. The rising price trend could effectively help the investor in making adequate retune from investment. Moreover, the investment could provide return of 0.18% and risk of 1.62, which could hamper investment capital. Jiang et al. (2014) mentioned that derivation of overall risk is mainly helpful in understanding the impact of volatile capital market. Historical performance of Cimic Group Limited: Figure 2: Depicting the historical performance of Cimic Group Limited (Source: 2017) Figure 2 mainly states the overall historical performance of Cimic Group Limited for the duration of 1 year. The overall price of the company has gradually increased from $24 to $36 for the period of 1 year. The stock is mainly chosen, as it has high future prospect with expected return of 0.17% and beta of 0.55. This stock is mainly used to reduce the overall risk from investment and capturing higher return. Davnis et al. (2015) mentioned that CAPM model is mainly used in detecting the expected return and risk, which might affect return from investment. Historical performance of JB Hi-fi Limited: Figure 3: Depicting the historical performance of JB Hi-fi Limited (Source: 2017) Figure 3 mainly depicts the overall historical price movement of JB Hi-fi Limited for the period of 1 year. In addition, share price of the company mail witnessed a low of around $20 and a high of $31. The high return provided by the stock could effectively help in reducing the beta and return from investment. The overall expected return of the company is mainly at 0.18% and beta is at 0.62, which mainly help in reducing the overall risk from investment. Gaudecker and Von (2015) cited that investors mainly use beta method for adding less risky asset in its portfolio. Maximum amount of capital is mainly invested in Australian securities it could effectively improve the overall return from investment. Australian property: Location Sector GLA (sq m) $/sq m Rent $/sq m Price Rent Occupancy Campbelltown Mall Retail 42,200 4,739 450 199,985,800 180,405 95% Table 5: Depicting the Australian property (Source: As created by the author) The overall Australian property mainly provides 0.09% in form of rent on yearly basis. In addition, investment in Australian property is mainly helpful in diversifying the risk, which might hinder return from investment. The investment risk could mainly arise from low demanded of retail stores among businesspersons. In addition, the occupancy rate is also a major risk, which might reduce return from investment. Saunders and Cornett (2014) mentioned that investment in property is mainly helpful in getting a constant income from rent. The nature of investment mainly has a higher risk if economic downturn occurs, however it only provides nominal return from investment. Overseas fixed interest: Overseas fixed interest Interest rate Amount Interest paid Interest paid yealry US bond 10 Year 2.44% 97,500,000 2,379,000 237,900 UK bond 10 Year 1.43% 52,500,000 750,750 75,075 Table 6: Depicting the overseas fixed interest (Source: As created by the author) Moreover, from table 6 overall investment in US and UK bond could be identified, which might be used to generate higher retune from investment. There is mainly no risk from investment, government are mainly mandates to provide the overall return to the investors. However, the return is mainly detected at 0.21% year on year basis, which might help in improving overall return of the portfolio. Bodie, Kane and Marcus (2014) mentioned that overseas investment could reduce its fiction if home countries currency gain strength against invested countrys currency. Depicting reason for expected annual income and capital growth likely to achieve from the portfolio: Particular Amount Investment 1,000,000,000 Total historical return 1,346,246.19 Return % 0.13% Capital Growth 1,001,346,246.19 Table 7: Depicting the expected annual income from the portfolio (Source: As created by the author) From table 7 the overall return of the total portfolio and capital growth could be identified, which might help in depicting efficiency of the investment method. The asset allocation system used in the portfolio has mainly helped in reducing the risk and increasing overall return to 0.13%. In addition, the investment capital could grow from 1 billion to 1.001 billion after 1 year. Najeeb, Bacha and Masih (2015) mentioned that determination of expected annual return is essential for increasing overall profitability. In addition, the overall risk of the portfolio is mainly from the investment in Australian equities, as the return is directly linked with volatility from capital market. In addition, investment in Australian property also holds risk, which might reduce the overall return from investment. However, diversification and adoption of fixed interest paying bond is the major contributor for reducing risk from investment and generating fixed revenue, which increases the capital. Conclusion: The assignment mainly evaluates the portfolio, which holds overseas fixed interest, Australian property, Australian equities, Australian fixed interest, and Cash. In addition, the combination of the portfolio mainly helps in reducing overall risk from investment and generates higher return. Moreover, fixed interest rate is mainly helpful in depicting the overall fixed revenue, which might help in increasing overall capital growth. Lastly, the low risk from Australian equities and property investment mainly helps in increasing the return from investment. However, the major risk, which might hamper return from investment, is the augmentation of the economic crises. Reference and Bibliography: (2017).CIMIC Group Ltd. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Jan. 2017]. Balli, F., Basher, S.A. and Louis, R.J., 2013. Sectoral equity returns and portfolio diversification opportunities across the GCC region.Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money,25, pp.33-48. Bhatti, G.A., Islam, T. and Rehman, A., 2015. Portfolio diversification in global equity markets and the role of global financial crisis.Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences,9(1), pp.69-95. Bodie, Z., Kane, A. and Marcus, A.J., 2014.Investments, 10e. McGraw-Hill Education. Bodie, Z., Kane, A. and Marcus, A.J., 2014.Investments, 10e. McGraw-Hill Education. Brire, M., Oosterlinck, K. and Szafarz, A., 2013. Virtual currency, tangible return: Portfolio diversification with Bitcoins. Claessens, S. and Forbes, K. eds., 2013.International financial contagion. Springer Science Business Media. Cressy, R., Malipiero, A. and Munari, F., 2014. Does VC fund diversification pay off? An empirical investigation of the effects of VC portfolio diversification on fund performance.International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal,10(1), pp.139-163. Davnis, V.V., Ziroyan, M.A., Vladika, M.V., Kamyshanchenko, E.N. and Tinyakova, V.I., 2015. A Situational Model of Investment Portfolio.International Business Management,9(5), pp.948-954. DeYoung, R., Gron, A., Torna, G. and Winton, A., 2015. Risk overhang and loan portfolio decisions: small business loan supply before and during the financial crisis.The Journal of Finance,70(6), pp.2451-2488. GAUDECKER, H. and VON, M., 2015. How does household portfolio diversification vary with financial literacy and financial advice?.The Journal of Finance,70(2), pp.489-507. Guidi, F. and Ugur, M., 2014. An analysis of South-Eastern European stock markets: Evidence on cointegration and portfolio diversification benefits.Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money,30, pp.119-136. Jiang, W.N., Ju, B.S., Zhai, G.H., Chen, Y.Q. and Wei, L., 2014. Study on Application of Markowitz's Portfolio Selection Theory in Overseas Petroleum Venture Investment Decision.Advanced Materials Research, (1051). Ledenyov, D.O. and Ledenyov, V.O., 2015. On the tracking and replication of hedge fund optimal investment portfolio strategies in global capital markets in presence of nonlinearities, applying Bayesian filters: 1. StratanovichKalmanBucy filters for Gaussian linear investment returns distribution and 2. Particle filters for non-Gaussian non-linear investment returns distribution. Mehta, D., 2015. Evidences of efficient investment portfolio in Indian capital markets-An analysis based on BSE and NSE indices. Najeeb, S.F., Bacha, O. and Masih, M., 2015. Does heterogeneity in investment horizons affect portfolio diversification? Some insights using M-GARCH-DCC and wavelet correlation analysis.Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,51(1), pp.188-208. Rutkauskas, A.V., Stasytyte, V. and Borisova, J., 2015. ADEQUATE PORTFOLIO AS A CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF INVESTMENT PROFITABILITY, RISK AND RELIABILITY ADJUSTMENT TO INVESTOR S INTERESTS.Economics and Management, (14), pp.1170-1174. Saunders, A. and Cornett, M.M., 2014.Financial institutions management. McGraw-Hill Education,. Vecco, M., Chang, S. and Di Benedetto, G., 2015.Art as an investment: Return, risk and portfolio diversification in Chinese contemporary art. Working paper. Yang, Y., Narayanan, V.K. and De Carolis, D.M., 2014. The relationship between portfolio diversification and firm value: The evidence from corporate venture capital activity.Strategic Management Journal,35(13), pp.1993-2011.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Business Company Managers Growth and Shareholders

Question: Discuss about the Business Company Managers for Growth and Shareholders. Answer: Introduction: Each and every company manages its business in such a manner so as to create the value of the company in the market. In order to increase the value of the company, each company shall identify key driver which helps in increasing the value. These drivers are known as the value drivers. (Trackmaven Dictionary). Through these drivers the value to the product manufactured or traded by the company or services delivered by the company can be added which further help in increasing the advantage over the competitors (Lek). There are three types of value drivers namely Operational, financial and sustainability drivers and these includes the variables relating to the income and expenses of the company, to the cost of financing incurred by the company for carrying on the operations and the external forces outside the company which help in sustaining the company for long respectively. (Sledzik K, 2003) In this digital era, being the intangibles, the traditional practice of achieving growth and increasing the shareholder or customer value cannot help in accomplishing the value creation goal of the company. Its mainly because of the fact that the company needs new indicators through which the companys performance can be measured from time to time and can company will be able to take an informed decision. This digital era is known as New Economy in the year 1997. In this period of new economy, the shift has been made from tangible assets to intangible and importance has been given to the matters other than fixed tangible assets like customer value, branding, strategies and relationship with customers and supplier, etc. Part A Prior to the 21st Century, each and every company place emphasis on the tangible and fixed assets which includes land and building, furniture and fixtures, plant and machinery and other. These tangible fixed assets forms part of the financial statements of the company and the owners of the company or managerial personnel lying at the top level of management of the company views that the companys value is created through these tangible fixed assets. But this conception has been mentioned as the wrong and vague in the beginning of 21st Century. The main cause of its being vague idea is that all the companies operating in the industries have similar or equivalent return on their tangible assets. It does not give any way through which the company can have better edge over its competitors (Hert and Willmot, 2014). This major drawback has led the companies to have paradigm shift of placing emphasis from tangible assets to intangible assets. Identifying an intangible assets is a difficult t ask of every company and valuing them is much more challenging task. In the plethora of studies from the 21st Century, intangible assets have been given due importance. Intangible assets consists of three elements namely Human Capital, Organization Capital and Relationship Capital (Krogger, 2015). Human capital is considered as major intangible assets in an every organization as without them organization cannot perform any function. It consists of assets like know how and experience of the employees, their level of motivation, their level of creativity, how much are they capable of learning new things and bringing out new and innovative ideas, their level of loyalty towards the company as well towards the society and their level of academic and professional education. Because of its utmost importance the companies are identifying ways and developed a system whereby the accounting of human capital employed in an organization can be employed. Secondly, Relationship capital has been re ceiving an importance from the very beginning but it role in increasing the value of the company has not been considered. It also plays very vital role in creation of the value of the company and consists of proper branding of products, maintenance of relationship with the customers and the suppliers of products or services, maintaining the agreements entered into as franchisees and licensing and maintenance of other alignments. Third is the Organizational Capital which consists of two segments one is Intellectual property and other is Infrastructural Assets. Segment of Intellectual Property consists of Patents, copyrights, trademarks and the origin from where the goods have been developed or manufactured. Infrastructural assets consists of how the culture of an organization is being managed within which the employees work, how effective is the system of decision making and internal control systems and procedures within which every department and employee of an organization has to perform work. In other words, human capital is what the employees have and obtain from an organization in which they are working, Relationship capital is how to develop the relations with factors external to an organization and Organizational Capital is what the organization has internally and which remains inside the premises of an organization. Across the world, many mergers and acquisitions take place. Earlier the acquirer company is ready to pay the consideration for Target Company equal to the net worth of the company which Assets less Liabilities. But in the current scenario the acquirer companies usually pays an amount higher to the net worth of the company. It mainly because the target company has hidden assets which though are not reflected in the financial statements but is counted as the major factor in determining the purchase consideration. Higher amount so paid is counted or treated as Goodwill of the company in the accounting books. For instance Facebook Inc has offered a price of US $ 1 billion for Waze Inc. Waze is service Provider Company for free GPS service. Waze Company will be making some profit in the next year. It shows that the acquisition is mainly due to some hidden assets which are in fact the intangible assets. Another example is of Flipkart company which has been incorporated in the year 2007 by two people. The company in 2007 set an objective of becoming one of the leading companies in e commerce business. Cofounder of the company is earlier an employee of Amazon Company. With this objective the company has started its business with USB and Tablets and now deal in each and every item. The company does not have any fixed assets but has developed an intangible assets which does not have any existence and not shown on the financial statements. These intangible assets are the Human Capital and Relationship Capital (Krogger, 2015). The value drivers that have been identified for these assets are. Managing the employee base. Maintaining the level of motivation Providing good atmosphere and culture within an organization Providing the platform where employees can grow. Maintaining the relationship with the customers and suppliers Maintaining good experiences with the customers and suppliers. Management of the company has identified that the actual assets of the company are its relations with the customer and suppliers and the relation with employees (PWC, 2013). With this the company has been able to increase its customer base and employee base. The company in order to give effect to the aforementioned objectives has entered into series of acquisition. The company has acquired the rights of Chakpak company which includes thousand of likes made by the customers, thousands of films and movies on its site in 2011 for US $ 25 million. These rights are the intangible assets and this acquisition has increased the customer base of the company. Second major acquisition it made was in 2014 of for US $300 Million. Through these major acquisitions the company has not only maintained the customer relations and increased the customer value but also increased the shareholders value and which is now to the value of $15 billion. Second example is of Google Inc. Company has identified the importance of its intangible assets in the year 2007. It is when it is recognized that the value of Google network and search engine has not been included in the financial statements. The income from these third party vendors counts for the thirty five percent of the total income of the company amounting to US $ 6 billion. One third of the total revenue of the company is arrived from the intangible the value of which has not been reflected in the annual report. Earlier the management of the company has denied the fact of including the same in the financial statement along with the statement that its the effect of the powerful team that is creating the revenue from the Google network and in case any one of the management team says something in market then the market fluctuates very speedily. It is then the company realized that the companys worth for 60% to 80% is attributable to the intangible assets. By recognizing the same the company has considered the human capital, relationship capital and the organizational capital as the intangible assets and identified the drivers for each capital. This further has increased not only the customer satisfaction but also the shareholder value. Another example is of CISCO Company incorporated in 1997 which has also focused on major three areas customer relations, acquisition to get the product developed and delegation of all business processes to the business partners. Thus, in this manner the improved customer and shareholder value in business. Part B The company faces many hurdles in using the intangible value drivers for the value creation of the company. The first hurdle is that the Relationship capital is very difficult to manage and identifying the value driver for them is another difficult task. It is because the company offices are generally located at different areas of country or across the globe and also with that the customers are also located geographically in all the locations. Similar case is with the suppliers of the product wherein they are located at different areas. To maintain relations with them in an efficient way sometimes become tedious task for companies. Keeping the data of customers and suppliers and marketing products to them on periodical basis will not serve the purpose of achieving the good customer relation or cordial supplier relations. In our case with reference to Flipkart Company which has various offices in Singapore and India finds it difficult to manage the one to one customer relations. Also it is very difficult to manage the relation with suppliers. Due to this for some products customers are diverted to other online portals and suppliers have got them registered on other portals also. Another hurdle in using the intangible value drivers is Valuation which means how to value the intangible assets. The valuation is very complicated task with lots of disputes but is of utmost importance as there has been shift from tangible asset to intangible assets across the globe in th 21st Century. Tangible assets which have physical presence require the service of professionals for its accurate and fair valuation and are also sometimes become as challenging task for them (Marr B, 2006) Thus, in such case, valuation of an asset which does not have any physical presence and is hidden is task more challenging than the valuation of tangible assets. This hurdle has been overcome by the use of valuation methods. Various methods have been and are being adopted by the qualified practitioners. These methods include three approaches namely market based approach, Income based approach and Cost based approach. As per the first approach, the company values the intangible assets on the basis of the market prices of similar assets. This approach is rarely in use as comparable assets are not available in the market. As per the second approach, the present value of cash flows directly related to the intangible assets is identified and the amount so calculated is the value of an intangible assets. Cash flows or income generation is very difficult to ascertain as the income cannot be bifurcated easily. As per the third approach, the value equals to the replacement cost or the reproduction cost of an intangible assets. In our first case of Flipkart Company, the second approach has been used for valuing the intangible assets. Through this valuation, the value of the company is US$ 15 billion as on date. Google Inc has found it very difficult to measure the value of intangibles due to uncertainty in availability of particular income structure. The same approach has been used by second case which is Google Inc. Conclusion: Valuation of intangible assets plays vital role in increasing the value of an organization in terms of shareholder as well as customer. There has been major shift in the 21st century that has been welcomed by many countries from valuing tangible assets to valuing intangible asset. Many companies have recognized their value considering the aspect of valuation of intangible assets and identifying the value drivers. Through this report, major shift has been described through the data of three companies Flipkart, Google Inc and Cisco have been illustrated and how the company have succeed to created high value. Further hurdles in adopting the value drivers and valuation of intangible assets have been listed and ways have highlighted to overcome the same. In the way to conclude with the study, intangibles have significant value to the business and it shall be valued accordingly. References: Sledzik K, 2013, Financial and Non Financial Value Drivers in Shareholder Value Creation Process available on accessed on 30/08/2016. LEK, Executive Insights available on accessed on 30/08/2016. Krogger, 2015, Key Value Drivers available on accessed on 30/08/2016. Hirt M and Willmott P, 2014, Strategic Principles for competing in the digital age, available on accessed on 30/08/2016. PWC Journal, 2013, Leading from the Front : Redesigning finance for the digital age, available on accessed on 30/08/2016. Marr B, 2006, Strategic Performance Management : Leveraging and Measuring your Intangible Value Drivers, available on accessed on 31/08/2016.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Archaism - Definition and Examples

Archaism s An archaism is a word or phrase (or a particular meaning of a word or phrase) that is no longer in common use and is considered extremely old-fashioned. Etymology:  From the Greek, ancient, beginning Pronunciation:  ARE-kay-i-zem Also Known  As:  lexical zombie A  grammatical archaism  is a sentence structure or word order thats no longer in common use in most dialects.   Linguist Tom McArthur notes that literary archaism occurs when a style is modeled on older works, so as to revive earlier practices or achieve the desired effect. (Source: Concise Oxford Companion to the English Language, 2005) Examples The old man raised the axe and split the head of John Joel Glanton to the thrapple.(Source: Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian, 1985)[Nick Faldo] speaks in a jaunty, clipped, wised-up vernacular, mixing street-smart patter with solid analysis. His vocabulary is rich in curious archaisms- jeepers, crumbs, gee- and eccentric asides.(Source: Jason Cowley, Nicks Second Coming. The Guardian, Oct. 1, 2006) 19th-Century Archaisms We do not have to go back as far as Elizabethan English or the Middle Ages to encounter archaisms. Here are some from the Victorian and Edwardian eras: beastly (as in so beastly critical) blest, deuced (if I know) capital! (as an exclamation of delight) very civil (of you) confound you! damnable cheek guvnor luncheon pray (come in) (you) rotter spiffing And might we not say that daddy-o is an archaism, even though it was alive and well in the 1960s? (Source: David Crystal, Words, Words, Words. Oxford University Press, 2006) 20th-Century Archaisms Among the technological archaisms Ive had to explain to the Tuned In children- what a record is, why they call it dialing a phone, the fact that, once, you couldnt rewind TV shows- is the fact that, a long time ago, musicians used to make little movies of their songs, and people would watch them on TV. (James Poniewozik, Wake Up and Smell the Cat Food in Your Bank Account. Time magazine, May 2, 2007) Stuff It is rather odd to see that the OED [Oxford English Dictionary] defines the word care as some kind of stuff. This seems at first glance to be a rather nonspecific definition to find in what is arguably the greatest dictionary ever created. But it is actually very specific- just a bit archaic. The word stuff has had a variety of meanings through the ages, and at the time that this definition was written, in 1888, it referred to (among other things) a woollen fabric or material for the gown worn by a junior counsel.(Source: Ammon Shea, Dated Definitions. The New York Times, Aug. 12, 2009) Archaisms and Register It should be added . . . that there is a problem with the identification of archaism, since archaisms are  sometimes not archaic in the register in which they are used. For example, thee and thou are not archaic forms in a certain type of poetic register; they are archaic only in relation to our contemporary day-to-day speech. Thus the use of an archaism can be interpreted as either conforming to a register or looking back to the past (or both). . . . Only by using a dictionary such as the OED, which is a historical dictionary, giving the meanings of words over time, will you be able to find out whether certain words were current or archaic at the time of writing.​  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹(Source: Martin Montgomery et al.,  Ways of Reading: Advanced Reading Skills for Students of English Literature, 3rd ed. Routledge, 2007) The Lighter Side of Archaisms Frank Rossitano: Yo Tray, we got a problem. Tracy Jordan as President Thomas Jefferson: Pray, who be this Tracy Jordan thou speakest of? Frank: Eh, President Jefferson, we got a problem. Tracy: Speaketh. Frank Rossitano: That horse ate your wig. Tracy: Well, stand guard by his rump and await it in his droppings.(Source: Judah Friedlander and Tracy Morgan in Corporate Crush. 30 Rock, 2007)

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Soldiers Home Essay Example

Soldiers Home Essay Example Soldiers Home Paper Soldiers Home Paper Soldier’s Home By Ernest Hemingway In the battlefield soldiers are experiencing war, death, loss – they kill and watch fellow soldiers getting killed. Being a soldier is in no way an easy life, and it is hard for people, who have not experienced war to understand. When these soldiers returns from war they need to adjust themselves to their old lives – adjust themselves to live in a place that has not change a tiny bit, even though they are in no way the same person as they were when they left. The main character in Hemingway’s short story â€Å"Soldier’s home† experiences the conflicts connected with returning from war. What strikes me the most when reading Ernest Hemingway is his style of writing. This short story is characteristic due to the few adjectives, adverbs and Hemingway does not tell us about the characters’ feelings and thoughts and one must interpret these from actions and conversations. His style is simple, direct and his grammar is almost grade school-like. When first reading the short story one might find the short story in lack of substance due to the missing direct statements and descriptions of emotions. The reader needs to be active to understand Hemingway’s stories. Harold Krebs went to take part in World War 1 immediately after finishing college. Although World War 1 ended in 1918 Krebs did not return to his hometown before 1919. After his arrival he is not greeted as a war hero like his fellow students. The hysteria was rampant in the area, but at the time he arrives the hysteria has passed. People find it difficult to understand why he returned as late as he did ( people seemed to think it was rather ridiculous for Krebs to be getting back so late, years after the war was over. † (ll. 8-9)). It seems as though Krebs has returned so late, because he has a hard time interacting with â€Å"ordinary people† – people who has not experienced the war as he has. At first he does not want to talk about his experiences in the war, but when he feels the need to do it, people do not listen. Due to his desire to talk about it he starts lying to make his stories more interesting. I believe talking is an important part of the â€Å"healing process† when someone has experienced war – Krebs does not like talking to people due to the fact that they do not understand him. He would like to have a girlfriend, but the talking makes him change his mind, â€Å"now he would have liked a girl if she had some to him and not wanted to talk,† (l. 40). His mother pressurizes Krebs to find a girlfriend and she calls attention to the fact that the boys from his old school has settled down and â€Å"on their way to being really a credit to the community† (ll. 85-86). To Krebs this is a â€Å"hard slap in the face† – a veiled critic. The mother is very religious and she does not believe that going to war is the solution to anything – she does instead believe that a good job, a nice wife and children are the real â€Å"credit to the community†. Furthermore, the mother does not understand that Krebs is no longer like the boys he used to hang out with – he has seen death and death changes people. Death has made him incapable of loving something we are shown when the mother asks him â€Å"don’t you love your mother, dear boy? † (l. 97) and Krebs truthfully answers â€Å"no†. It was not his intention to hurt his mother, and he ends up promising her that he in fact loves her. This is yet another lie, and he realises that he has to move on. Krebs was once religious (â€Å"†¦ from a Methodist college in Kansas,† (l. 1)) but he has now lost his faith to God and he is no longer â€Å"in His Kingdom† (l. 4). His faith in religion has faltered due to his experiences in the war. Although he wants to break with the family’s religious values, but he cannot break with the authority he still feels religion is. Krebs feels sorry for his mother because she (and her religion) has made him lie – and made him feel guilty as well (â€Å"He had felt sorry for his mother she had made him lie. He would go to Kansas City and get a job and she would feel all right about it†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (ll. 23-24)). I believe that isolation from society is an important theme in this short story due to the fact that it has such an impact on the main character. During the war Krebs felt important and useful but now no one even wants to listen to his story unless he lies. He has turned into a passive observer – he observes the girls walking by, but he does not want to interact with them – he just sits on the porch reading. Hemingway wanted the reader to believe that his short stories’ and novels’ reflected himself as person. In Soldier’s Home it is obvious that Krebs does not like his mother – Hemingway did as well detest his mother. Hemingway was raised in a very religious way but as he grew older he became more rebellious and wanted to break with his former religious believes, just like Krebs.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Etruscan - Byzantine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Etruscan - Byzantine - Essay Example It is also characterized by neighboring columns, superimposed and engaged, serves as an embellishment to the structure. Roman style is also characterized by an elevated high base steps rising to a deep portico which was a strong influence of the Etruscan style of architecture. Hagia Sophia, which is located in Istanbul formerly Constantinople, on the other hand, is one of the best examples of the Byzantine architecture. Although there are a lot of existing styles that concentrated on a religious theme, Byzantine architecture’s strong feature is that the structures built during this time were meant to glorify the church. This style is set apart by great domes, smaller domes and half domes supported with pedentive, huge columns, round arches and abundant use of color, decorative and glass mosaics. Both architectural styles have a distinct characteristic that distinguish it from others. Pantheon has a top heavy appearance and an imposingly large entrance like most temples in this era. Hagia Sophia, however, is somewhat inviting. Although Byzantine also uses columns in their architectural design, the Roman style has more columns that somewhat overlaps each other just by looking at it. Both structures made use of domes, the difference however was that Pantheon has only one while Hagia Sophia has several. Initially, Pantheon was believed to be created as a temple for the gods.