Sunday, January 5, 2020

Is Animal Cruelty Acceptable Or Should Be Stopped - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 828 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/05/21 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Cruelty To Animals Essay Did you like this example? Animal cruelty is everywhere, every country has animal abuse whether you see it or not. Some of the major countries are Japan, Mexico, and China that demonstrate animal cruelty. The fiesta called Torneo de Lazo in Mexico, Japan where they have the cove, people high demand for rhino horns. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Is Animal Cruelty Acceptable Or Should Be Stopped?" essay for you Create order Countries that using animals for human benefits are the United States, India, and Australia. Meat is used for consumption, animal testing to see if medications are safe, and zoos. Animal cruelty could be seen as exceptional or considered awful depending on where you have grown up at and what you believe or not. Regardless or not of your beliefs, is animal cruelty acceptable or should be stopped? The pros of animal cruelty are that it can help us with illnesses, going into space, and military. In Australia, they are one of the countries that still allow animal testing. Animal testing is helpful because when testing an animal with vaccines you can determine if they are safe or not to humans. The scientists that use animal tests use rats, rabbits, monkeys, and etc. Monkeys are similar to humans and it is helpful to determine if this medication will be invulnerable. For example, the polio vaccine was tested on animals to determine if it was safe or not yet. Once it went was passed it was used towards human and saved many people lives. If animal testing was not used many humans would either be used for testing or be killed using medications not certified. These testings have saved thousands of people lives if not more. Not only for medications are animals used for they are also used for NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). Once again monkeys were sent into space to see if the spaceship to see if it was secure and ready for humans to go into space. Also, animals have been used to the military. Goats were given burns or a gunshot wound for military medics to practice on. Animal testing is needed to keep us protected from deadly illnesses. Majority of people need animals to survive. Countries like the United States of America, Britain, and much more use animal meat as their primary source of food. Animals are a big part of our lives. Animals are put into small cages such as chickens that are crowded in these cages or put into small enclosures. However, thats not the case for all of the animals in the food industry. There are free-range animals. Free range animals are given a bigger enclosure than the normal slaughterhouse animal has. When looking at your meat packaging or egg cartons you can see if the animals are in free-range or not. Also in the United States of America depending what state a person lives your taxes can be lowered for having agriculture on your property. Such as having a certain amount of cows on your property depending on the state will lower your taxes. Slaughterhouses are starting to use more humane ways of kill animals. They are doing this so the animal does not have to suffer a long death. All o f the animals are getting fed well and given water. Unless you are a vegetarian or a vegan these processes are necessary for survival. Animals are used for entertainment for all ages. Zoos are a big part of this and some amusement parks. There are zoos who have small enclosures and are not natural habitats for the animals. Amusement parks have roller coasters that go above them and could scare them until they get used to it. However not all zoos are like that, some people negatively think zoos in that way. Zoos can help save endangered animals, they can encourage animals to breed. The endangered species can be saved and taken great care of. Not only that a lot of zoos have a natural habitats for them for example in India, they have a zoo called Arignar Anna Zoological Park. This park has 1,092 acres of land for the animals to roam around. Not only does it provide them a natural habitat it provides education about animals to all ages. Zoos have exotic animals that may or not be in your country. Its a great time for families, friends, and provides money to the workers, also the animals who need it. Animals that are used for entertainment is not always the best. In Mexico there is a fiesta called Torneo de Lazo. This fiesta to residents might just be an average party and think what occurs is normal however this is not the case. The fiesta is where men are riding bucking bull like a rodeo would. That is not the only thing that happens in this party. The men encourage the bulls to charge at the horses. Majority of the time the bulls pierce through the horses stomach with their horns. These horses have to deal with a slow painful death while children and adults are watching them suffer.

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