Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Greek And Roman Civilizations - 830 Words

. The Greek and Roman Civilizations were quite similar in their Art, their Women’s Rights, and their Geographic location. The Greek believed their painted, sculpted and carved depictions of the people should be absolutely perfect. Especially the men. They found that the physical form was most pleasing to the eye and wanted to accentuate that beauty and deliver it through art. They sought out to present infinite elegance. Flawless statues and paintings showed men and women in their most â€Å"beautiful† state. If their sitter ( the model for the painting, sculpture or carving/shaving ) had physical flaws the artist would reshape the figure in the clay or on canvas. The Romans wanted their depictions of people to be raw, and flawed, and although possibly unflattering, very true to form. Both civilizations appreciated depicting â€Å"people† in their art but they way they went about creating and presenting it was distinct to their personal perspective. In ancient Greece, women had positively no rights. The women of ancient Greece were seen the same way one would viewtheir livestock or homestead. They were considered personal property and had no rights. Women couldn t inherit property. Women didn t appear in court as jurors or as litigants (i.e. party to a lawsuit). The social ideal was that a woman did not keep a shop or do market business. Ideally women were absent from the agora - the central public space and core ofShow MoreRelatedThe Roman And Greek Civilization940 Words   |  4 PagesIt is truly fascinating how two different civilizations could fabricate almost every inch of society as long as humans can remember for thousands of years into the future and beyond. From the calendar and toilet to modern roads and concrete, both the Roman and Greek civilization terraformed the world and our homes. 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